Post Tagged with: "Biblical"

Will you Deny Him?

Will you Deny Him?

In the End Times, a man will come to power over a unified multi-national government and seemingly lead the world into a time of peace and prosperity. This man is the false messiah (Antichrist). After a time of war and economic collapse, he will accomplish, at least for a season, what no other ruler has managed to accomplish – global unity, prosperity and peace. Since it is clear we are in the final days, will Christians today find the strength to go through persecution? You may be brought before the Synagogues of Satan, will you give testimony?

The Katabolé – Satan’s war with God

The Katabolé – Satan’s war with God

God created a cherub named Lucifer — PERFECT IN HIS WAYS, but with the POWER OF FREE CHOICE — and LUCIFER TRANSFORMED HIMSELF INTO A DEVIL by his rebellion against God! By his rebellion, Lucifer BECAME Satan. By his OWN CHOICE in OPPOSING God, he made himself God’s adversary. The Katabol (Overthrow) started in motion the Earth Age we are in today.

Pre-Existence before the Katabolé – Satan’s war with God

Pre-Existence before the Katabolé – Satan’s war with God

Between 200 BC to 553 AD pre-existence was a “commonplace” concept of the early Church. The mystery of the Katabole and Lucifer’s flood was kept secret until it was later revealed to Peter, Jeremiah and Isaiah. This deep look at pre-existence before the Katabole reveals some surprising answers as to why we are here now. What is you purpose in life? Read and find out…

Will God Forgive Me?

Will God Forgive Me?

You make a mistake and fall back into sin. Fresh from sin, you lay awake and wonder… What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I stop? Why won’t I stop? You doubt your own sincerity. You doubt God will forgive you…

Pilates Epitaph

Pilates Epitaph

Pilate’s impact on the cross lives in scripture. The encoded message with the name of God is a surprise to most who see it. The Jews came to regard this name YHWH as too sacred to pronounce.

Did Pilate know the extent of the epitaph for the cross and the encoded message it contained? There is only a single relic that exist to this date that proves Pilate and the account…

Prayer, Fasting, Meditation and Soaking In the Holy Spirit

Prayer, Fasting, Meditation and Soaking In the Holy Spirit

Fasting, Meditation and Soaking is only practised today by a small groups of Christians who still understand the concept of receiving the Holy Spirit. It was foretold that in the last days, the power of the Holy Spirit would be present and poured out… You may have visions and supernatural experiences. The key is learning to wait in solitude.

Satan and Demonic Influence

Satan and Demonic Influence

Satan still prowls around seeking who he can devour in these last days. Demons seek flesh bodies desperately to control and experience the pleasures of the flesh. How does Satan influence and control our flesh bodies? The science may surprise you.

Where are the Dead

Where are the Dead

Many people are actually revived and describe being in Paradise and not wanting to return. The soul or spirit which connects it’s self to the interface of the brain was created before the foundations of the Earth and was with God. The silver cord is our soul’s interface cable…

The Holy Spirit and Apostasy

The Holy Spirit and Apostasy

According to Bible prophecy, there will be a Great Apostasy (falling away) of the Church and Believers in the Last Days. Does your Church invite the Holy Spirit into fellowship? Do people experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit as is defined by God?

Red Moon

Blood Red Moons – Signs

Blood red moons, the sun as sackcloth, how does this all tie together with the end times?
A rare event is coming up in years 2014 and 2015. Is this one of the signs to look for described in the Bible? Lunar eclipses often cause the moon to not disappear completely but turn shades of orange and red.