Archive for March, 2011

Satan and Demonic Influence

Satan and Demonic Influence

Satan still prowls around seeking who he can devour in these last days. Demons seek flesh bodies desperately to control and experience the pleasures of the flesh. How does Satan influence and control our flesh bodies? The science may surprise you.

The US in Prophecy
End Time

The US in Prophecy

Is the US mentioned in the Bible? Does the United States play a role in the End Time Prophecies?

Faith and the Fingerprint of God

Faith and the Fingerprint of God

Those that will search for evidence of God will find mountains of it along with his Fingerprint. The authors of Scripture were either unparalleled literary and mathematical geniuses, or were guided by the Holy Spirit. The mathematical formula providing a check sum of the Word along with fulfilled prophecy reveals the Fingerprint of God.